

RightJoin offers a unique platform for job seekers to improve their interview skills through AI-driven mock interviews. The service provides an environment where you can practice various interview formats, such as pre-screens, technical, behavioral, and case studies, tailor-made to fit individual resumes and job postings. The AI mimics real interview conditions, allowing candidates to hone their communication skills and receive instant feedback on their performance. With RightJoin, users can set up a candidate profile, participate in mock interviews designed based on their resume and job applications, and get in-depth assessments for continuous improvement. The platform is dedicated to preparing professionals for the job market, boosting confidence, and increasing the chances of acing actual interviews.

Top Features:
  1. Personalized Practice: Unlimited mock interviews customized to your resume and job postings.

  2. Diverse Interview Formats: Choose from pre-screen technical behavioral and case study interviews.

  3. Instant Feedback: Receive scores and a detailed feedback report after each session.

  4. Experience Customization: Tailor the AI's difficulty and tone to fit your needs.

  5. Continuous Progress Monitoring: Ability to invite a mentor to discuss and improve upon feedback received.


1) Who is this for?

ightJoin is for any professionals in the job market wanting to practice before their real interviews.

2) How are the interviews personalized to my needs?

ou can upload your resume, share the job posting for your upcoming interview and your interview is going to be based on this information.

3) Can I get practice on specific topics?


ou can select interview formats like Pre-Screen, Technical, Behavioral and Case Study as well as any topic or job posting of your choice.

4) Is it free?

e are unable to offer a free service due to the costs involved with running AI models.

ur subscriptions start at $9.


per month.

5) If I subscribe and change my mind, can I get a full refund?

es, we offer full refunds within 7 days of signing up.

ny feedback on how to improve RightJoin would be greatly appreciated.






Mock Interviews AI Hiring Managers Job Interview Preparation Performance Feedback Real Interview Simulation


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