

Raster is a cutting-edge digital asset manager tailored for modern teams, offering a seamless experience for managing, editing, and serving your team's photo assets. This photo manager stands unmatched with its high-speed performance and intelligent features that streamline workflows for marketing teams, photographers, and developers. Raster's beautifully designed interface spurs creativity and productivity, making it an indispensable tool for teams that value efficiency and quality. With AI-driven organization and nondestructive collaborative editing, Raster transcends traditional DAM systems by allowing you to organize and edit photos without the hassles of cumbersome file-based storage solutions. Plus, Raster's powerful in-house CDN ensures the fastest possible delivery of your images, backed by industry leaders AWS and Vercel. Ready to revolutionize the way you handle photography at work? Start with Raster today.

Top Features:
  1. AI-Powered Editor: Soon to be released this editor will enhance the ability to manage and alter photos with AI assistance.

  2. Real-Time Collaboration: With the command palette feature teams can collaborate in real-time improving efficiency.

  3. Unique Raster Image URL: Set up once then ship and edit images post-deployment forever a unique feature for modern workflows.

  4. AI-Driven Organization: Utilize Raster's AI to smartly tag and organize images moving past outdated folder systems.

  5. In-House CDN: Backed by AWS and Vercel to serve billions of images a day with unmatched speed.


1) What is Raster?

aster is a digital asset manager built for modern teams that facilitates organization, editing, and hosting of photographs, saving time and resources.

2) What are the key features of Raster?

aster offers an AI-powered editor, real-time collaboration, a unique image URL for post-deployment editing, AI-driven organization, and a powerful in-house CDN.

3) Is there a Mac App available for Raster?

es, there's an upcoming Mac App set to release in August 2023, enhancing Raster's accessibility for Mac users.

4) How does Raster's AI-driven organization work?

aster's class-leading AI organizes your images with smart tags, allowing you to customize tags and workflows beyond traditional folder systems.

5) How can my team start using Raster?

aster is now in Public Beta, and teams can start using Raster for free by registering on the website.






Digital Asset Manager AI-Driven Organization Nondestructive Editing Collaborative Editing High-Speed Performance


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