Plus AI

Plus AI

Build presentations in minutes with Plus AI. Starting with a blank deck is one of the most challenging parts of building a presentation. Plus AI helps you create an outline, build a first draft, and suggest additional edits to your slides. In addition to AI slide generation, Plus AI allows you to use your data in the presentations through our Snapshot technology. Snapshots let you grab charts from any app/tool, embed them in your slide, and refresh the data with the click of a button whenever data changes.

Top Features:
  1. Snapshots always reflect the latest data from your tools.

  2. Every version of every Snapshot is at your fingertips.

  3. Embed Snapshots in tools like Notion, Slack, Coda, Confluence, and more.


1) How much does Plus cost?

lus is free to try.

e offer paid plans that allow you to upgrade the number of Snapshots available to your org and unlock faster refresh rate options for your org.

2) How does the refresh rate limit work?

n the free tier, Snapshots can be set to automatically refresh every day or every 6 hours.

ou can upgrade to a paid plan to unlock hourly refreshes.

napshots can be manually refreshed as often as desired, by anyone in your org.

3) How does the Snapshot limit work?

he Snapshot limit is the number of Snapshots you can create across your entire org.

s long as your org has fewer Snapshots than the Snapshot limit for your plan, anyone can take more Snapshots.

nce your org reaches the Snapshot limit, nobody in the org will be able to capture new Snapshots unless old ones are deleted.


What limits are there on the free planThere is a maximum of 5 Snapshots per org, and a maximum refresh rate of 6 hours.


ere are no limits on the number of Pages you can create,.





presentation tool AI slide generation data integration data visualization


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