

Opinionate is an innovative AI-powered platform designed to enhance decision-making and argument development through a process called steel manning. As a debate generator, Opinionate.io offers an interactive environment where users can input their own topics or have the AI generate topics for discussion. Whether you are looking to strengthen your perspective on a subject or explore various sides of a debate, Opinionate provides a valuable tool for thought-provoking discussions. With an easy-to-use interface, the platform allows individuals to have daily debates and expand their horizons. Enhance your arguments and settle debates while challenging your ideas. Plus, with the special offer code DEBATER10, users can enjoy a 10% discount on all purchases, adding to the platform's accessibility and user-friendly experience. Privacy and terms are clearly stated, ensuring users a safe and secure experience, courtesy of Ross McMillan.

Top Features:
  1. AI-Powered Debate Generator: Use the platform to have informed debates on a variety of topics.

  2. Steelman Your Arguments: Improve the strength of your arguments by exploring the most compelling version of opposing views.

  3. Interactive Discussion Platform: Engage with diverse thoughts and challenge your ideas through interactive debate.

  4. Daily Debates: Users are allowed one daily debate to regularly practice and refine their argumentative skills.

  5. Special Offer Code: Get a 10% discount on all purchases using code DEBATER10 making it more affordable to users.





AI-Powered Debate Steel Manning Decision-Making Argument Development Interactive Platform


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