Onison - Professional Whitespace Tool

Onison - Professional Whitespace Tool

Onison delivers a pioneering Whitespace Tool that leverages Artificial Intelligence to automatically replace the background of product photos with white space, pre-defined colors, or transparency, while maintaining the original CMYK layers. Specially designed for professional product imagery, the tool efficiently adds drop shadows to enhance presentation, and it supports RGB jpg and png image formats. Offering a seamless integration with brand management via Digital Asset Management (DAM) features, Onison caters to businesses looking to elevate brand consistency and streamline web-to-print applications.

Top Features:
  1. Automatic Background Replacement: Utilizes AI to automatically replace image backgrounds with white space or predefined colors.

  2. Drop Shadow Addition: Enhances product photos by adding drop shadows either pre-selected or user-defined.

  3. CMYK Layer Retention: Retains the CMYK layers of original product images during background replacement.

  4. Professional Image Formats: Supports professional RGB jpg and png image formats for background replacement.

  5. Seamless Brand Management Integration: Integrates with a suite of brand management tools for consistency and efficiency.


1) What does the Onison Whitespace Tool do?

he Whitespace Tool from Onison uses AI to automatically remove the existing background of product photos and replace it with white space, predefined colors, or transparency.

2) Why should one use the Whitespace Tool?

t helps to create a more professional appearance for product photos, suitable for brand presentations and catalog productions.

3) Does the Whitespace Tool retain the original CMYK layers of images?

es, the tool maintains CMYK layers to ensure that the original quality of the product image is preserved.

4) Which image formats are compatible with the Whitespace Tool?

ou can input RGB jpg and png formats into the Whitespace Tool for background replacement.

5) Can the Whitespace Tool add drop shadows to images?

es, the tool can add pre-selected or user-defined drop shadows to enhance the visual quality of product photos.






Whitespace Tool CMYK Brand Management Digital Asset Management Web-to-Print


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