

Observo is forging a new path in the observability landscape by leveraging AI technologies to enhance the way Security, IT, and DevOps handle their data. Traditional observability pipelines are often limited by static and rules-based operations, which can be inefficient. Observo's approach focuses on creating a dynamic, intelligent observability pipeline that adapts to your data, enabling more intelligent decision-making and process optimization. By implementing Observo's AI-driven solutions, customers experience significant cost reductions in observability, a much faster resolution of incidents, and the ability to control and tailor their observability data conveniently. Main features include data optimization and reduction, smart routing, advanced anomaly detection, a cost-effective data lake, as well as data enrichment and sensitive data discovery to maintain compliance. Observo is integrated with over 40 different sources and destinations, making it highly versatile for a variety of business needs.

Top Features:
  1. Data Optimization and Reduction: Cut log volume by 80% and reduce the total cost of observability by 50% or more.

  2. Smart Routing: Avoid vendor lock-in by routing data where it has the most value.

  3. Anomaly Detection: Lower Mean Time to Resolution (MTTR) of incidents by 40% or more.

  4. Searchable, Low-Cost Data Lake: Retain more data while spending less money, increasing flexibility.

  5. Data Enrichment: Add context to data for faster searches and eliminate Alert Fatigue.



What benefits does Observo.

ai offer?

I-driven observability pipelines, rapid incident resolution, and significant cost reduction in log management and observability.


How does smart routing work in Observo.


ata is routed based on its value, helping you stay flexible and avoid dependency on a single vendor.


How does Observo.

ai reduce observability costs?

y reducing log volume and optimizing data, Observo.


can reduce the total cost of observability by 50% or more.


How many sources and destinations can Observo.

ai integrate with?



is integrated with over 40 different sources and destinations, enabling users to conveniently manage their data flow.


How does Observo.

ai use AI to enhance observability pipelines?



's AI capabilities continuously learn from your data, evolving and optimizing data processing and observability.






AI-Powered Observability Data Optimization Smart Routing Anomaly Detection Data Enrichment


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