

MLnative is a platform for running Machine Learning models in production, delivering 10x improvement in resource utilization and cost efficiency. Our solution provides: GPU sharing, autoscaling, customizable priority queues and user-friendly interface for ML models deployment and management. Our platform can be deployed either on the cloud resources or on-premise infrastructure. It is installed in your environment, so you keep everything under control.

Top Features:
  1. GPU sharingAutoscalingCustomizable priority queuesEasy deploymentsWeb app and REST API.


1) How does it work?

Lnative provides the customer with a dedicated platform, available via a set of intuitive UI and programming APIs for managing models in production.

he platform leverages a range of open-source technologies, as well as a handful of proprietary tweaks to maximize GPU utilization and scalability.

2) Does my data leave the company network?

ur clusters are fully isolated - there is no communicattion with external services.

one of your data is ever leaving your servers.

3) Who manages the infrastructure?

Lnative manages the infrastructure on the customer's resources, whether that's on any of the supported public clouds, or on-premise.

4) What does the support look like?

e provide full docs on how to work with the platform, end-to-end example integrations for reference (e.



Text-to-speech application built upon MLnative), and a dedicated per-customer support slack channel.

e support our customers very actively during the initial onboarding period so that the onboardin.





GPT Stable Diffusion LLM TTS STT

Tech used:

GPT Stable Diffusion LLM TTS STT


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