

MikeAI is your personalized AI fitness coach designed to take your fitness journey to the next level. With MikeAI, you can obtain custom workout plans, meal plans, and fitness assessments tailored specifically to your personal goals, lifestyle, and dietary preferences. Whether you are looking to gain muscle, lose weight, or simply improve your overall fitness, MikeAI provides a comprehensive approach with an easy-to-use platform. Upon signing up, you'll be prompted to provide basic fitness information, which will be used to generate your first meal and workout plans and a fitness assessment. MikeAI also features FitnessGPT, an AI chatbot that offers assistance and advice for exercise-related queries, including coping with injuries. Offering a cost-effective solution, MikeAI replaces the need for expensive personal trainers and dieticians, making professional fitness guidance accessible to everyone at just a one-time fee.

Top Features:
  1. Personalized Fitness Assessment: Custom evaluation to kickstart your fitness journey.

  2. Customized Meal Plans: Tailored meal plans to match your dietary needs and fitness goals.

  3. Bespoke Workout Plans: Workout schedules created specifically for your body type and exercising frequency.

  4. FitnessGPT (AI Chatbot): An AI chatbot equipped to handle fitness-related inquiries and provide assistance.

  5. Affordable Pricing: Comprehensive fitness coaching available for a one-time payment no subscription needed.


1) What is MikeAI?

ikeAI is an AI-based fitness coach that generates personalized workout and meal plans based on your personal fitness data and goals.

2) How much does MikeAI cost?

ou can access MikeAI's services for a one-time fee of $4.


, which includes meal plans, workout plans, unlimited recipes, and FitnessGPT access.

3) Can MikeAI create workout plans for home exercises?

ikeAI offers plans for both gym-goers and home workouts, tailored to the equipment you have access to.

4) Can MikeAI cater to specific dietary needs?

es, you can specify your dietary restrictions such as vegan, vegetarian, sugar-free, or oil-free when setting up your meal plan.

5) What is FitnessGPT?

itnessGPT is a feature within MikeAI that operates as an AI chatbot, providing assistance for fitness-related questions or concerns, including dealing with injuries.






Personalized AI Fitness Coach Meal Plans Workout Plans Fitness Assessment


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