offers a novel and user-friendly way to track your dietary intake using the power of AI. Just by sending a photo of your food or beverage, the platform can analyze the meal for calorie count, macronutrient distribution, and ingredient estimation. Don't have a photo? No problem! You can simply type in your meal, and's AI will provide an intelligent guess based on standard portion sizes and ingredients. The service allows users to set specific goals, whether it's hitting a calorie target or achieving a macro balance and facilitates the tracking of daily, weekly, and monthly nutritional intake. Keeping an eye on caffeine consumption is also made easy with the tool's ability to estimate the caffeine content in your drinks. With, staying on top of dietary goals is both effective and seamless.

Top Features:
  1. Photo Analysis: Analyze meal photos for calorie and macro content.

  2. Text Entry Tracking: Guess nutritional information from text descriptions of meals.

  3. Goal Setting: Set specific dietary goals and track progress towards them.

  4. Caffeine Estimation: Estimate caffeine content in beverages for improved sleep and reduced jitters.

  5. Nutritional Stats: View daily, weekly, and monthly nutritional stats and charts.



How does meals.

chat track my diet?

ou can send photos of your meals and drinks, or simply type out what you ate, and the AI will estimate the calories, macronutrients, and ingredients.

2) Can I correct the AI if it gets my meal content wrong?

es, if the AI estimates seem incorrect, you're able to reply and provide corrections for more accurate tracking.


Does meals.

chat track both calories and macros?



at helps you track both calories and macronutrients in grams and percentages, aligning with your specific dietary goals.


Can meals.

chat track my caffeine intake?

he AI can use pictures of your beverages to estimate the caffeine content and help you monitor your consumption.


How can I view my dietary statistics in meals.


ou can check your stats on the platform, seeing your nutrition totals on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, including charts of your macro percentages.






Meal Tracking Calorie Counter Macro Analysis AI Nutritionist Diet Goals


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