

Magicflow is an AI-based productivity tracker designed to help founders and makers focus and do deep work. With its actionable insights and real-time productivity metrics, Magicflow goes beyond traditional time tracking apps by providing recommendations on how to become more productive. It allows users to dive into their working patterns, identify distractions, and make necessary adjustments to their schedule. The app features live flow timers, Pomodoro timers, distraction warnings, and a glowing flow meter to keep users in the zone. Magicflow has garnered positive feedback from users who appreciate its effectiveness in helping them achieve flow and stay focused on their goals.

Top Features:
  1. Real-time productivity metrics: Get detailed insights into your working patterns and identify areas for improvement.

  2. Actionable recommendations: Receive personalized suggestions on how to increase your productivity and stay focused.

  3. Live flow timers: Utilize Pomodoro timers and distraction warnings to enhance your focus during work sessions.

  4. Distraction analysis: Discover what factors are affecting your concentration and make adjustments accordingly.

  5. Visual flow meter: Monitor your progress and strive to fill up the glowing flow meter with focused work.





Productivity Tracking Deep Work Context-switches Productivity Flow Workflow Optimization


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