is an automated content generation tool designed to boost your website's organic traffic and enhance your SEO strategy. With Machined, you can effortlessly create SEO-optimized content clusters that are interlinked and ready to be published. The platform uses advanced AI models to generate high-quality articles on any topic, ensuring that your website ranks high on search engines. With Machined, you no longer have to spend hours conducting keyword research or manually writing and interlinking articles. The tool automates the entire process, from keyword research to content writing and interlinking. It carefully selects keywords that work well together to boost your website's ranking without cannibalization. Additionally, Machined produces unbelievably human-like articles that resonate with readers, allowing you to control the perspective and tone to align with your intended audience. The platform supports over 100 languages, making it truly global and allowing you to target anyone, anywhere. It is also highly scalable and flexible, with parallel processing and background processing capabilities. This ensures that Machined is fast, efficient, and able to handle large volumes of article generation. Machined operates on a bring-your-own-key basis, meaning you bring your own OpenAI API keys. This allows for unlimited usage at an unbeatable price point, as there are no markups on AI usage. You only pay for the software, and OpenAI charges for the AI usage you incur. Join over 2,100 entrepreneurs and businesses who are already growing with Machined. Start with three free content clusters per month and experience the time-saving benefits of this powerful content generation tool.

Top Features:
  1. SEO Strategy on auto-pilot: Machined analyzes the latest keyword data to create effective clusters that rank high.

  2. Automated keyword research: Machined conducts keyword research for each cluster based on advanced analytics of the latest keyword data.

  3. Automated keyword clustering: Machined carefully selects keywords that work well together boosting your ranking without cannibalization.

  4. Automated internal linking: Machined automatically interlinks the articles in each cluster using natural-sounding but keyword-targeted links.

  5. Unbelievably human-like articles: Machined uses cutting-edge AI to produce high-quality articles that resonate with readers ensuring engaging content.





Content Creation SEO Optimized Keyword Research Interlinking Articles Personalized AI Tool


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