Lumina is a modern, headless Content Management System (CMS) that is reshaping the digital content landscape with its API-driven architecture and built-in AI agent. Designed to meet the needs of content creators and developers alike, Lumina provides a flexible, scalable platform that allows users to create custom content structures tailored to their unique requirements. Its AI-powered assistance enhances text and image content creation, offering tools like a built-in AI chatbot and AI image generation capabilities that empower users to create high-quality content efficiently. By leveraging Lumina's scalable API and powerful MongoDB query language, users can perform advanced data operations for superior content management. Additionally, Lumina offers various pricing plans to suit different needs, ranging from a Free tier to Premium and Self-hosted options, ensuring that organizations of any size can benefit from its cutting-edge features.

Top Features:
  1. Built-in AI Agent: Enhances text and image content creation with AI-driven tools.

  2. Custom Content Structures: Provides flexibility in content management with a variety of data types custom fields nested models and internationalization.

  3. Scalable API: Offers a robust scalable API using MongoDB for advanced content operations.

  4. AI Image Generation: Empowers creative visual content with AI capabilities to generate images.

  5. Pricing Plans: Features a range of plans from free to premium including self-hosted options.


1) What is Lumina?

umina is a headless Content Management System that leverages API-driven architecture and includes a built-in AI agent for enhancing content creation.

2) Can I create custom content structures with Lumina?

es, Lumina supports creating custom content structures with various data types, custom fields, nested models, and internationalization.

3) How does the built-in AI agent assist in content creation?

umina offers AI-powered assistance through a built-in AI chatbot for text content and AI capabilities for generating images based on different requirements.

4) What type of API does Lumina offer?

umina's API is built on MongoDB, providing powerful and scalable query capabilities for efficient advanced data retrieval and manipulation.

5) What are the pricing options for Lumina?

umina provides various pricing tiers including a free tier, a basic tier at $25/month, a premium tier at $100/month, and a self-hosted option for which you can contact the team.






Headless CMS AI-Powered Assistance Custom Content Structures API-Driven CMS Scalable Content Management


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