

Launchnow is the perfect starting point for building and launching your SaaS, Web App, GPT Actions, or AI Tools rapidly. It offers a SvelteKit and NestJs boilerplate package that significantly cuts down development time, allowing you to become profitable sooner. By leveraging Launchnow's boilerplate, you can save over 28 hours of development work and achieve an impressive return on investment. This powerful package includes everything from OAuth implementations and payment systems to automated REST documentation and SEO-optimized blogs. It's also constantly updated, ensuring you're working with the latest technology. Whether you're an experienced developer or new to frontend work, Launchnow makes the creation process smoother, quicker, and more efficient—ship like crazy and scale your business fast!

Top Features:
  1. Rapid Development: Utilize SvelteKit for quick frontend development and NestJs for a dedicated backend, saving valuable time.

  2. Automated Documentation: Generate REST documentation automatically with OpenAPI and Swagger integration.

  3. SEO-Optimized Content: Build SEO-optimized blogs with automatic sitemap.

  4. xml generation to improve your web presence.

  5. User Authentication: Implement OAuth2.

  6. 0 for both server and client, including GPT auth, to secure your applications.

  7. Complete Package: Get a full suite including Payment systems, Subscription management, and Checkout webhooks.


1) What all is included in the boilerplate?

he boilerplate includes OAuth Server, Svelte Kit Boilerplate, Nestjs Boilerplate, a dedicated backend, UI Kit, Deployment scripts, and lifetime updates.

2) What's the programming language used?

velte and NestJs are used for the frontend and backend respectively.

3) Why a dedicated backend?

dedicated backend allows complex logic to be handled more efficiently and can provide many advantages over using SvelteKit as the backend.

4) When was this boilerplate last updated?

nformation about the last update is not provided in the given content, but the website likely has details on recent changes.

5) How is Launchnow better than other boilerplates?

aunchnow provides a slightly unconventional approach with Svelte instead of React for frontend which has a much lesser learning curve if you're new, and constant updates of features based on real startup scaling experience.






SvelteKit NestJs SaaS Boilerplate Rapid Development Automated REST Documentation


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