

Isomeric revolutionizes web scraping with a powerful AI-driven platform that simplifies data extraction. This tool eliminates the need for manual web scraper creation and maintenance, offering a 1-click solution to extract information semantically. Isomeric's advanced AI understands website content and translates it into a structured data schema automatically. It handles all the complexities such as managing proxy infrastructure, headless browsers, evading bot-detection, and processing with GPUs, making it an ideal solution for businesses and individual users alike. Choose from varied pricing plans to suit your project scale and enjoy a hassle-free, human-like data extraction with zero maintenance requirements.

Top Features:
  1. Zero Maintenance: Eliminate constant monitoring and upkeep; all AI and infrastructure management is handled by Isomeric.

  2. Human-like Extraction: AI interprets web data with high accuracy akin to human comprehension.

  3. Easy Integration: Integrate with a single API to access data from every website on the internet.

  4. Advanced AI Technology: Employs advanced AI to bypass Captchas and other bot detection methodologies.

  5. Scalable Solution: Equipped with a distributed cloud-native batch of GPUs to process data inference swiftly and effectively.


1) What is Isomeric?

someric is a web scraping tool that allows you to scrape and parse content from any website with a single click.

2) How does Isomeric extract data from websites?

someric uses advanced AI to understand content semantically and extract data into structured formats.

3) Do I need to manage my proxy infrastructure with Isomeric?

ith Isomeric, you don't need to set up proxy infrastructure.

t is managed for you with multiple proxy providers to prevent request blocking.

4) Can Isomeric bypass Captchas and bot detection?

es, Isomeric is capable of bypassing Captchas and other bot detection techniques through its AI technology.

5) What are the pricing plans for Isomeric?

someric offers different pricing plans starting with the Solo plan at $149, with varying capacities to suit both personal and business needs.






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