

Greip is an advanced AI-powered fraud prevention system tailor-made to protect online businesses and apps from various types of fraudulent activities. By deploying AI-powered modules, it offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to enhance financial security across digital platforms. With Greip, you can detect and prevent credit card fraud, validate banking details such as BIN/IIN and IBAN, and monitor and filter out profanity to ensure a professional environment. Additionally, Greip's tools help in identifying VPN/Proxy usage, pinpointing IP geolocation, and running ASN and country lookups. The platform also emphasizes the importance of data validation to maintain the integrity of user inputs. Greip's resources provide a wealth of knowledge through articles, documentation, and integration guides. It is an essential tool for anyone looking to fortify their app or website against the ever-evolving threats of online fraud.

Top Features:
  1. Credit Card Fraud Prevention: Detect and prevent fraudulent payment activities.

  2. BIN/IIN Lookups: Easily look up and fetch details for any debit or credit card.

  3. IBAN Validation: Validate IBAN details and gather relevant information.

  4. Profanity Detection: Filter out negative language and maintain professionalism in text.

  5. VPN/Proxy Detection: Identify VPN or Proxy connections to tackle identity theft.


1) What is the purpose of Greip?

reip deploys AI-powered modules to secure your app's financial transactions and prevent payment fraud.

2) Can I look up debit or credit card details with Greip?

es, Greip provides BIN/IIN Lookup services to help you fetch card details.

3) Does Greip offer IBAN validation?

ith Greip, you can validate IBAN details to ensure banking information accuracy and security.

4) How does Greip's profanity detection service work?

rofanity detection allows you to identify and filter negative language from any text, helping you maintain a professional image.

5) What is Greip's VPN/Proxy Detection used for?

reip's VPN/Proxy Detection service helps in identifying potential identity theft by detecting VPN or Proxy connections from any IP address.






Fraud Prevention Credit Card Fraud Detection BIN/IIN Lookup IBAN Validation Profanity Detection


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