GPTFlow is an innovative AI chatbot service designed to streamline customer service and enhance user engagement on various platforms like blogs, e-commerce sites, and landing pages. This versatile solution integrates seamlessly with platforms including Shopify, Magento, WordPress, Weebly, Joomla, and Squarespace among others. GPTFlow provides a customizable and GDPR-compliant chatbot that can handle an average of 95% of requests, redirecting complex queries to human agents. It aims to reduce site abandonment rates by offering 24/7 customer assistance and lowering customer care costs. Users can sign up for a free demo, try out the chatbot, and choose from several subscription plans to match their business needs. The service makes setting up an AI chatbot quick and stress-free, promising your chatbot to be ready in just 5 minutes.

Top Features:
  1. Customizable AI Chatbot: Tailor-made chatbots to enhance customer service and user engagement.

  2. Platform Integration: Compatible with various systems including Shopify WordPress and more.

  3. 24/7 Customer Assistance: Provide round-the-clock service to answer customer queries.

  4. GDPR Compliance: Ensures data processing adheres to GDPR standards for users' peace of mind.

  5. Free Demo Available: Try before you subscribe with a free personalized chatbot trial.


1) What is GPTFlow?

PTFlow is a service that offers a customizable AI chatbot designed to handle customer service requests on various platforms, enhance user engagement, and integrate with your existing website ecosystem.

2) How do I get a free GPTFlow chatbot?

ou can request a free chatbot by filling out a questionnaire and scheduling a video call demo with an expert who will help you create a custom GPT chatbot based on your needs.

3) What subscription plans does GPTFlow offer?

PTFlow offers monthly and annual subscription plans, including a Premium plan at 99€/month billed monthly, and a Scale plan at 82€/month billed annually.

4) Is GPTFlow GDPR compliant?

he chatbots are GDPR compliant, ensuring they meet the data protection and privacy regulations of the European Union.

5) What can I train GPTFlow chatbots on?

PTFlow chatbots can be trained on all your web pages, an unlimited number of PDF files, and free text up to a certain character limit depending on the chosen plan.






AI Chatbot Customer Service GPT-Flow GDPR Compliant Website Integration


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