

Glasp is an AI-powered writing tool that caters to various users such as newsletter writers, active bloggers, thought leaders, and serious note-takers. With Glasp, users can curate and create their own AI models to enhance their writing experience. The platform allows users to highlight and add notes to web content, which can then be used to train personalized AI models. Additionally, users can write with their AI models, create weekly best reads, get ideas, and more. Glasp also supports seamless export with Markdown format, making it easy to paste content into note-taking apps. Users can also share their Glasp profiles and learn from like-minded individuals through the platform's social network. The Wall of Love section showcases testimonials from satisfied users who appreciate Glasp's ability to improve their reading and note-taking habits.

Top Features:
  1. Curate to create your own AI model ❤️: Users can curate and select web content that resonates with them to train their personalized AI models.

  2. Write with Your AI Models 🤖: Users can create engaging content by utilizing their AI models for tasks such as writing paragraphs generating ideas and more.

  3. Paste into Note Apps 💎: Glasp supports seamless export with Markdown format allowing users to easily paste content into note-taking apps.

  4. It also integrates with Readwise.

  5. Show Your Learning 📚: Users can share their Glasp profiles via URL allowing others to see their highlights and notes.

  6. This creates a learning community where users can learn from each other's insights.

  7. Learn from Like-minds 🥰: Users can follow like-minded individuals and see their highlights and notes fostering a sense of connection and inspiration.





AI Writing Newsletter Writers Bloggers Thought Leaders Note-taking


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