

Discover the future of music creation with ExtendMusic.AI, an app designed to revolutionize the way you produce music. Utilizing groundbreaking AI technology, ExtendMusic.AI allows you to upload your original compositions and expand on them with impressive, AI-generated extensions. Tailor your music to suit specific moods or themes by setting a prompt for the AI, and watch as it crafts a unique piece that perfectly complements your sound. This user-friendly platform is perfect for musicians, producers, and creators eager to push the boundaries of their artistry. Start by uploading a file and selecting a 10-second context from your music. Enter a filename to keep track of your creations, write a prompt to direct the AI, and choose how many seconds you want your audio extended. With a simple click, ExtendMusic.AI generates your audio extension, seamlessly continuing from where your original context ends. Explore examples like "Für Elise" or "Electronic Variation #1" and "Electronic Variation #2" to witness the capabilities of ExtendMusic.AI firsthand. Enhance your sound and inspire your next musical masterpiece with ExtendMusic.AI!

Top Features:
  1. Inspiring AI Technology: Amplifies and extends music using advanced artificial intelligence.

  2. Easy Upload and Generation: Allows uploading of music and easy selection of context for audio extension.

  3. Customizable Extensions: Offers the ability to set prompts guiding the AI to condition the style of the generated music.

  4. Flexible Duration: Users can select the desired length for their audio extension starting from 10 seconds.

  5. Interactive Examples: Provides examples of the AI’s work through pieces like "Für Elise" and "Electronic Variation" for users to explore.





ExtendMusic.AI Music Creation AI Technology Sound Enhancement Music Extension


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