

Unlock the potential of your data with DataBorg, an innovative AI-powered platform designed for both consumers and businesses. Through advanced knowledge extraction, integration, and analysis, DataBorg enhances your data comprehension, providing insightful answers to complex queries. Experience revolutionary Named Entity Recognition (NER) capable of pinpointing over 4000 entity types within any text, transforming unstructured data into actionable insights. Effortlessly convert text into meaningful knowledge graphs with a simple API call, and interact with our Web Question Answering (WebQA) API to pose natural language questions over a broad range of websites. DataBorg's WebQA API is built on state-of-the-art embedding models, ensuring the highest quality of response. This AI tool is not only multilingual, supporting 10 different languages, but it also provides instant access to website data indexed by search engines and links to source articles for greater transparency.

Top Features:
  1. Named Entity Recognition: Extracts over 4000 types of named entities from any text.

  2. Text to Knowledge Graph: Converts text into a knowledge graph with one simple API call.

  3. Web Question Answering: Allows asking natural language questions over any indexed websites.

  4. Multilingual Support: Answers questions in 10 different languages.

  5. State-of-the-Art Embedding Models: Delivers high-quality answers using advanced models.





AI-Powered Platform Knowledge Extraction Text Analysis Named Entity Recognition Knowledge Graph


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