

CrowdPrisma is a trailblazing technology platform that redefines survey analysis with its AI-powered engine. As the world's first tool of its kind, it is designed to efficiently sift through the noise of crowd feedback and extract meaningful signals. By employing advanced Natural Language Processing, CrowdPrisma can analyze free-text responses quickly, identifying subgroups of respondents who share similar thoughts. Its interactive, user-friendly dashboard allows for deep exploration of survey data, cross-filtering between questions to uncover the intricate relationships within the responses. Taking advantage of a time-saving approach, what once took weeks can now be achieved in under an hour. Crowprisma offers a generous free trial and currently, beta testers receive a 25% discount on the first year's subscription. Based in Wyoming, USA, and reachable via Holborn LLC, CrowdPrisma is also dedicated to connecting with users across social platforms.

Top Features:
  1. AI Powered: Utilizes advanced NLP to interpret free-text responses swiftly.

  2. Dig Deep: Discovers subgroups within responses and analyzes key topics discussed.

  3. Save Time: Accelerated analysis from weeks to under an hour with AI capabilities.

  4. Natural Language Processing: Gathers and categorizes free-text responses into topics providing succinct summaries.

  5. Interactive Dashboard: An automated system that cross-filters data for comprehensive analysis of survey responses.


1) What is CrowdPrisma?

rowdPrisma is an AI-powered survey analysis tool that helps find patterns and subgroups in survey responses.

2) What are the key features of CrowdPrisma?

he main features include AI-powered text analysis, identification of respondent subgroups, an interactive dashboard and quick insights into survey data.

3) Does CrowdPrisma offer a free trial?

rowdPrisma offers a free trial including 1 survey with up to 10 questions and up to 200 participants.

4) How does CrowdPrisma process free-text responses?

rowdPrisma uses cutting-edge Natural Language Processing to analyze free-text responses swiftly and accurately.

5) Is there a discount available for beta testers?

es, beta testers can get 25% off the first year's subscription fee.






AI Survey Tool Natural Language Processing Text Analysis Interactive Dashboard Free-Trial Offer


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