

Cockatoo is an innovative platform that harnesses the power of AI to provide instant transcription services, offering unmatched accuracy and speed in converting audio and video to text. With the ability to handle files in over 90 languages, Cockatoo stands out with its superhuman speech-to-text accuracy, making transcription effortless for users worldwide. Whether you're transcribing interviews, podcasts, or meetings, Cockatoo streamlines the process with its simple drag-and-drop interface and secure, privacy-focused approach. The service is remarkably fast, transcribing 1 hour of audio in just 2-3 minutes. It also caters to diverse needs with various export formats including srt, docx, pdf, and txt. Independent ownership ensures that your data remains private and is never shared with third parties, while competitive pricing brings this advanced technology within reach for individuals and businesses alike. Experience seamless transcription with Cockatoo, the smart choice for accurate, efficient, and accessible AI-powered transcription.

Top Features:
  1. Superhuman Accuracy: Up to 99% accuracy with the power of machine learning.

  2. Blazing Speed: Transcribe 1 hour of audio in just 2-3 minutes 30x faster than manual transcription.

  3. 90+ Languages Support: Transcription support for over 90 languages and dialects worldwide.

  4. Flexible Export Options: Offers a variety of transcript export formats such as srt docx pdf and txt.

  5. Simple Usability: Easy drag-and-drop interface with no need for a credit card to start transcribing.


1) What is Cockatoo?

ockatoo is a transcription service that automatically generates text from recorded speech using cutting-edge AI.

2) What kinds of files can I transcribe?

ny standard audio or video file with people talking in it, like mp3, mpeg, mp4, wav, acc, mov, etc.

3) Which formats can I export my transcript to?

ou can export your transcripts to pdf, docx, txt, and srt formats.

4) How much does it cost?

ockatoo provides a free tier and a Pro plan with undefined cost per month or annually (undefined).

5) Does it work with accents or background noise?

es, the AI algorithms are robust to accents, background noise, and technical language.






AI Transcription Speech to Text Video Transcription Audio to Text Multilingual Transcription


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