is an innovative Generative AI web application designed to streamline the creation of professional client reports for businesses, consultants, and service providers. The platform harnesses the power of AI to automate the generation of various report types such as Business Plans, Company Valuation Reports, Diligence Reports, and Investor Reports. Users can upload their client documents to a private Client Data Room, from which the AI's Advisory Copilot draws data to produce tailored reports. Efficiency is at the forefront as reports are quickly exported into Microsoft Word Documents for easy editing and distribution. The service empowers professionals to save time, reduce errors, and focus on strategic analysis while ensuring accurate and consistent reporting for their clients. offers tiered pricing for individuals, growing practices, and large enterprises, making it scalable and fitting for any organization size.

Top Features:
  1. Automated Report Generation: Tailored Business Plans Company Valuation Reports Diligence Reports and Investor Reports automatically created.

  2. Client Data Room: Securely upload and store client documents for AI analysis.

  3. Flexible Export Options: Reports exported into Microsoft Word for easy editing and finalization.

  4. Customizable AI-Powered Approach: Unique 3-shot approach to fine-tune and regenerate content section by section.

  5. Tier-Based Pricing Structure: Accommodates individuals SMEs and large enterprises with appropriate features and scale.





AI-Powered Reporting Client Data Room Business Plan Automation Company Valuation Investor Reporting


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