Call My Link By Stork

Call My Link By Stork

Call My Link is an AI-powered video-conferencing tool that offers a powerful alternative to Zoom for hosting and managing video meetings. With Call My Link, users can host, capture, search, and summarize video calls all from one browser window. It provides a personalized conference URL for each user, allowing them to record and play back video and audio calls directly from the web. The tool also transcribes conferences into PDF transcripts, which can be easily accessed and shared with participants. Additionally, Call My Link offers AI-generated summaries of conference calls, eliminating the need to listen to long recorded calls or read lengthy transcripts. This makes it a convenient and efficient way to stay updated on what happened during a conference call with multiple participants. The recorded calls, transcripts, and summaries can be easily shared with both Stork and non-Stork users, making collaboration and knowledge sharing seamless. With its user-friendly features and comprehensive functionality, Call My Link is a valuable tool for enhancing the productivity and effectiveness of video meetings.

Top Features:
  1. Host Capture Search and Summarize Video Calls: Call My Link allows users to easily host video calls capture important moments search for specific content and generate AI-powered summaries improving the overall meeting experience.

  2. Personalized Conference URL: Each user is provided with a unique conference URL giving them access to their personal video meeting space without limitations or AI features.

  3. Record and Playback Video and Audio Calls: Call My Link enables the recording and playback of video and audio calls ensuring that participants can access and review important discussions at their convenience.

  4. PDF Transcripts: Conferences are transcribed into PDF transcripts which are automatically available to each participant.

  5. There are no limitations on the duration of a call or the length of the transcript allowing for comprehensive documentation of meetings.

  6. Easy Sharing of Recorded Calls Transcripts and Summaries: Recorded calls transcripts and summaries can be easily shared with both Stor.





Communication Collaboration Teamwork Remote Collaboration File Sharing


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