Meet BLOONY, your personalized AI Chatting Buddy. Designed to be a source of comfort and companionship, BLOONY is an emotionally intelligent AI chatbot that provides a safe and judgment-free environment for you to share your thoughts and feelings, especially during moments of boredom or loneliness. It stands out with its ability to hold casual conversations, remember past chats and embark on virtual travel adventures through ChatTrips. Whether you’re looking to pour your heart out at night or are eager for new discoveries, BLOONY offers a unique chatting experience. Compatible with Facebook Messenger, BLOONY promises privacy, as it won’t share your conversations. Engage in discussions about travel, partake in image-based chats, and receive texts based on your interactions. Despite the AI’s potential for accuracy, the company clarifies that BLOONY’s messages are AI-generated and may not reflect the company’s views. To experience BLOONY's capabilities, check out the introductory video, subscribe for the latest updates, or provide feedback.

Top Features:
  1. Casual Convo: Enjoy relaxed chats with BLOONY whenever you need a buddy to talk to.

  2. Memory: BLOONY recalls previous conversations for a more personalized chatting experience.

  3. ChatTrip: Venture on virtual travel conversations and share your passion for exploration with BLOONY.

  4. Image Chat: Send pictures to BLOONY and engage in lively discussions about them.

  5. Privacy & Safety: With BLOONY your conversations remain private ensuring a safe space to express yourself.


1) What is BLOONY?

LOONY is an AI chatbot that interacts with users through casual conversations and can engage in topics like travel and share images.

2) Does BLOONY remember previous chats?

es, BLOONY is designed to remember past conversations to create a more personalized experience.

3) How can I chat with BLOONY?

LOONY is available via Facebook Messenger, making it easily accessible for most users.

4) Can I rely on the information BLOONY provides?

hile BLOONY strives for informative conversations, it is important to note that the AI-generated content may differ from factual data.

5) How do I provide feedback or report issues with BLOONY?

ou can send feedback or report bugs via the website's feedback section or directly at the provided email address bloony@tunib.








AI Chatbot Emotionally Intelligent Virtual Companion ChatTrips Casual Conversation


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