

Betafish.js is an advanced Chess AI designed to provide chess enthusiasts with an immersive and challenging game experience. With a clear and intuitive interface, Betafish.js enables players to engage in games against a formidable AI opponent that can adapt to various levels of thinking time, from rapid 1-second moves to more thoughtful 10-second moves. The software comes packed with features that facilitate learning and strategy development, including options to copy or set the board's FEN (Forsyth-Edwards Notation), reset the game at any point, take back moves to try different strategies, as well as the ability to flip the board for perspective change. For those curious about the underlying code or wishing to contribute, Betafish.js lovingly credits its creator, Gavin, and offers a link to view the source. This user-friendly and thoughtfully created Chess AI is ideal for players looking to improve their chess skills while enjoying a challenging game.

Top Features:
  1. Copy FEN: Allows the player to copy the FEN for analysis or to continue a game elsewhere.

  2. Set FEN: Enables setting up the board with a specific FEN useful for practicing certain positions.

  3. Reset: Provides the option to start a new game immediately without any hassle.

  4. Take Back: Offers the chance to undo moves to explore different outcomes.

  5. AI Move: The AI can automatically calculate and make a move supporting different thinking times.





Chess AI Betafish.js Chess Experience Game Interface Adaptive AI


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