Enter a world of judicial AI experimentation with AI21 Labs' first AI Drop, featuring a virtual Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) ready to deliberate on your most pressing yes/no questions. This unique offering allows you to pose queries to an AI-powered representation of the late Supreme Court justice, gaining insights modeled after her famously sharp legal mind. Whether for education, entertainment, or an intriguing simulation of RBG's judicial reasoning, this platform invites users to participate in an unprecedented legal AI experience. Sign up, ask your question, and see what RBG would (probably) say, crafting a whimsical yet thought-provoking interaction that honors the legacy of a legal icon.

Top Features:
  1. AI-Driven Simulation: Experience a judicial simulation driven by artificial intelligence that emulates the decision-making of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

  2. Interactivity: Engage directly with the AI by asking yes/no questions that tap into a replication of RBG's legal perspective.

  3. Experimentation: Participate in AI21 Labs' groundbreaking AI experiment the first of its kind in their AI Drop series.

  4. Sign-Up for Updates: Early access opportunity to be among the first users to experience subsequent AI Drops from AI21 Labs.

  5. Honoring a Legacy: Connect with the legacy of RBG through a digital platform that promotes exploration of legal principles.


1) What is 'What would RBG (probably) say?

This is an AI experiment by AI21 Labs where you can ask an AI version of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg yes/no questions.

2) What kind of questions can I ask?

ou can ask any yes/no question to receive an answer inspired by RBG's legal reasoning.

3) Is the RBG AI real?

t is an AI representation, not the real Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

4) How can I learn about future experiments?

ign up with AI21 Labs to be notified about future AI Drops.

5) Who is behind this AI experiment?

I21 Labs, a company specializing in AI and large language models, created this experiment.






Ruth Bader Ginsburg AI Experiment Legal AI Judicial Simulation AI21 Labs


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