

Arbius is a pioneering platform bringing decentralization to the world of machine learning. Inspired by Bitcoin, it offers a decentralized network where users control the platform and contribute to its growth through a peer-to-peer structure. With Arbius, new tokens are created using GPU power by participants in the network, rejecting the concept of a central authority. The platform is wholly open-source, promoting transparency and community-driven development. Users can vote on-chain for protocol upgrades, and machine learning models function as decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) with unique rules for profit distribution and rewards. This innovative approach not only ensures secure and rapid generation of solutions but also provides model creators with a way to monetize their creations. Arbius facilitates straightforward integration with applications like web apps, NFT marketplaces, chat-bots, and gaming environments. Furthermore, it operates under a strict economic rule set with an algorithmic adjustment of task rewards, mirroring the same principles that protect the token's scarcity and value in a fashion similar to Bitcoin's model.

Top Features:
  1. Decentralized Control: Arbius is controlled by its community, leading to a democratic machine learning environment.

  2. Fixed Token Supply: Similar to Bitcoin, Arbius has a maximum token supply cap, making it a deflationary digital asset.

  3. Mining Through GPU Power: Tokens are mined via GPU power, with no need for a centralized authority to issue new coins.

  4. Open-Source: Arbius offers an open-source platform allowing anyone to contribute or review the code freely.

  5. Model as DAOs: Models on the Arbius network operate as DAOs, enabling creators to receive income from their work.


1) What is Arbius?

rbius is a decentralized network for machine learning where tokens are generated with GPU power by users participating in the network, similar to Bitcoin.

2) Who creates new Arbius coins?

here is no central authority to create new Arbius coins; they are generated by users through GPU mining.

3) How do model creators earn income on Arbius?

odel creators can set a fee for the invocation of their models, which allows them to earn income from their contributions.

4) Is Arbius resistant to censorship?

es, the platform is designed to be resistant to censorship, allowing anyone to use AI models permissionlessly.

5) Is there a promise of future income for Arbius users?

rbius is at an experimental stage and invites users to join the community but does not imply an expectation of future income.






Decentralized Machine Learning GPU Mining Open Source DAOs Peer-to-Peer Network


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